Monday, December 26, 2005

Day Two: Viernes - WINGS

Friday morning we had a list of things to do that was suprisingly long for a "vacation." Most was little stuff, but the two major tasks of the day were to make our arrangements for the trip to the Carribean and to interview Sue Patterson for Boxx. (formerly:

The first task, we tackled pretty accidentally while eating pastries, as someone handed us a flyer with what was, comparatively, a good deal on the trip - $70 each for a minibus to the coast, including a stop at the ruins of Quirigua and a boat across to Livingston, followed by a sailboat ride up the Rio Dulce. This turned out to be more of an adventure than we could have known, as you'll see in the following days.

The interview we tackled at a cafe after breakfast. Many of the cafes and restaurants in Antigua (and the homes, hotels and hostels) let the sun in. They are usually open in the middle and many have plenty of plants and fountains to add to the ambiance.
Sue taught us quite a lot about reproductive rights in Guatemala, and about the increasing, but as of yet, undocumented risks of HIV/AIDS and STDs.

You can read the article above. To learn about WINGS (or Behrhorst) for yourself, as the article is only a small sample, visit their websites as well.

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